Writing Location: My Very Unique Ironing-Board-Desk
If exams had a colour they'd be of a grinchy green, because they are preventing me from spending all my time watching Christmas movies and singing Christmas tunes. To give you a short update: I handed in my second COMM271 paper on 12/06, held my final presentation in Chinese on 12/09 and only have four exams left now: My final pitch presentation for my Marketing Class on 12/13, my Chinese final exam on 12/16, my COMM408 final paper deadline on 12/16 and my COMM271 final exam on 12/21.
Speaking of my Marketing Class: Here's a picture of my group shooting the video for our project. I'll let you guys know how the video turns out.

After the exams I am pretty much free to do whatever. Since everyone is either going home because they are only here for a semester or on vacation (which I can't afford) I will most likely have a lonely Christmas.
Don't get me wrong here, that's not a bad thing. I have Christmas invitations, but I thought to myself: When will I ever in my life have the opportunity to spend a Christmas alone and experience the sadness that at least one character in every Christmas movie experiences (preferably the old guy). You know what I'm talking about, sitting at home, getting drunk, reminiscing and regretting bad life choices... I mean I won't have too much to regret, but I can still get drunk! I haven't decided on whether I'm going to do that but I am weirdly curious to find out what it feels like to live through the sadest moment imaginable.
To stay close to Christmas I can tell you... I've been a good boy this year. St. Nicholas brought me goodies on December 6th after I had put out my 'student's boot' (slipper) in good old German tradition.
To all Germans: They don't do that here... weirdos!
To all Non-Germans: They only do it there... weirdos!
Also, to the very delight of my roommates, I jacked up the Christmas decorations in our house a bit. I bought stuff at our local thrift shop - and it was fucking awesome - where the gay cashier gave me a 75% discount because he was into me. Now I know what it feels like to be a hot person at a club. I felt very flattered but also sort of evil. He just sort of fell for me - and let's be honest, who can blame him - and I can't return his love because I'm not gay. I hope that he finds someone to love before Christmas! Good luck, thrift shop guy!
My roommates are leaving very soon. Trent will even leave for good because he got a job at Bloomberg in San Francisco. To send him off we had a little communal drinking event which included enough pre-Christmas spirits to turn our glasses upside-down. It was great to meet you, man!
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